
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Fruitarians Protest Community Garden

HAGERSTOWN, MD - The community garden in Hagerstown met with some unexpected resistance today with Fruitarians protested the "unnecessary wholesale slaughter" of vegetables.

The group believes that plants, like animals, have feelings too, and that only fruit which "naturally falls from a tree or vine" should be eaten.

The leader of the group stated "when you eat a carrot or potato, don't you ever wonder where it came from? These poor, innocent plants were uprooted from the ground, then sliced and diced while still in a partially alive state."

As proof that plants are still alive on their way to the dinner table, the group offered instructional resources on how potatoes can re-grow in a cup of water.

Chanting "stalks up, don't chop!", the protesters remained outside the community garden for about an hour, until they realized just how hot it was outside.

"I could feel the sweat rolling off my forehead, and I just knew it was time to go home." said one protester.

The group plans to hold another protest in the fall, after the weather is "not so stinking hot", per the protest leader.

No potatoes were harmed while writing this article. The Hagerstown Report is a satire website.

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