
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Shippensburg Celebrates Diversity at Memorial Park with Islamic Flag

SHIPPENSBURG, PA - In a ceremony celebrating religious diversity of Shippensburg residents, today the Borough raised a new flag over Memorial Park - the flag of Islam. The flag will fly over the park until the April 15th to help the town celebrate the diversity of its residents.

"We know our residents will be very happy with our diversity celebration today, and that the $10,000 spent on this flag is a symbol that we can all live together in peace" said one of the council members.

Borough residents had previously complained on social media that no flag was flying at the park, to which they were informed that the American Flag previously flying in the park had been taken down over the winter and needed replaced.

On April 16th, the flag will be replaced by a flag from Mexico.

I wonder if they'll put an alligator in that park too.  The Hagerstown Report is satire.